The Harvest is Plentiful

of pastors report feelings of loneliness and isolation. (Barna 2022)
of churches in America are in decline or are plateauing. (Thomas Rainer)
of the world’s population have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus. (The Joshua Project)
How Can We Serve You to Expand God’s Kingdom?

Encouraging Pastors
We’re not meant to do ministry alone! We offer mentorship to encourage leaders in pursuit of intimacy with Jesus, imitation of Christ-likeness & intentionality in Kingdom ministry.

Training Disciples
Every Jesus-follower is called to become a reproducing disciple-maker. We offer biblical training & ministry events to cultivate a disciple-making community culture.

Planting Churches
There is power when God’s people come together in partnership! We seek to create Kingdom collaboration to assess, train & coach church planters through a variety of models.

Hello and welcome to Expand!
My name is Sean Thomé and I’m the Executive Director. Thanks for taking time to check out our website and explore how God is at work in the Northwest and beyond.
Expand desires to partner with kingdom workers to reach as many people as possible for King Jesus and connect them with local churches. Our hope and prayer is that we can have a small part in exalting Jesus and expanding God’s kingdom by encouraging pastors, training disciples and planting new churches.
If there is any way we can encourage or equip you in the ministry God has entrusted to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out and connect with us!
Our Church Plants

What Church Planters are Saying