Expand's Ministries

Encouraging Pastors

Doing kingdom work can be difficult, lonely and discouraging, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Expand is committed to providing leadership care, personal mentoring and ministry coaching for pastors, spouses and families. Connect with our Encouraging Pastors ministry (2 Thess. 2:16-17) to expand God’s kingdom.

Training Disciples

Making reproducing disciples of Jesus followers requires an intentional strategy. Expand is committed to training leaders to encourage and equip everyday Jesus-followers to become reproducing disciple-makers. Connect with our Training Disciples ministry (Luke 13:18-19) to expand God’s kingdom.

Planting Churches

Starting a new church is exciting, but without a kingdom partnership, it can result in burnout and another church closure. Expand is committed to assessing, training and coaching upcoming church planters through a collaboration of churches and networks. Connect with our Church Planting ministry (Acts 13:1-3) to expand God’s kingdom.

What Church Planters are Saying

“Church planting and serving in the PNW has its unique challenges. Expand NW . . . fortifies you with a simple truth: You are never alone. They walk beside you and provide wisdom, encouragement and resources, all with a bold and courageous foundation of prayer. . . . Expand NW’s vision to connect people to Jesus and His Church aligns beautifully with the vision of The Bridge Church NW. This alignment has produced fruit beyond our wildest dreams. . . . there is not a better family to partner with than Expand NW!.”

Bob & Stephanie Johnson
The Bridge Church NW, Wilsonville, OR

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