Pastor Gad of Kabuga Community Church in Kamwengye Districe shares the joys and challenges of being a pastor in Uganda. 

Before Jesus

I was born in Kisoro district in 1970 and migrated to Kamwengye district in 1971. I went to school in 1982 but stopped in primary six because my family failed to raise school fees. At that young age, I started to work in the sugarcane fields to support myself.

In 1994, I developed an unidentified illness that put me in coma for almost a month. Once I regained some health, I decided to give my life to Jesus.  Unfortunately, the sickness affected my brain so much, it took me a long period of time to come back to my normal senses.

Being a Pastor in Uganda

I’m married and we have 4 kids. I have had a lot of challenges in my entire life but many of them have eased since 2012 when I started pastoring. I have found peace. I encourage people and have realized that I get encouraged through ministry.

In 2015 a woman who had been barren for 37 years came to our church and God led us to pray for her. Eventually she got pregnant and has 3 children now. A man who had be paralyzed for 3 years was brought to the church. God did wonders and set him right. Testimonies like this and many others of God using me have created a big difference in my life. I feel the amazing grace of God prevail in my life and leads me to believe that all that happened in my early years were planned by God.

I know that [Expand’s] pastoral support mission has supported me so much as well as the people I lead in Kabuga. They provided mosquito nets and also gave us seeds to plant when a drought hit our community. In addition, we received amazing training on disciple making. We would love to have more of it in Kamwengye. The training helped the congregation learn how to read and discover Bible knowledge for themselves. Lastly, I have been feeling much privileged to attend the Bible school sponsored by Expand’s pastoral support mission.

Prayer Requests

I am still struggling to have a house where I can sustain my family. I appreciate your prayers towards that. Also the community I serve does not have access to clean water. We face the problem that the community children are unable to be in school as a result of not only the inability to raise school fees but also there are no schools around.

Sponsor-a-Pastor Program

Pastor Gad is part of Expand Uganda’s Sponsor-a-Pastor Program. He along with 29 other pastors and churches need a solid foundation for sustained, positive change, but we need your partnership to make it happen.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering in our Sponsor-a-Pastor Program?


(The information in this article was gathered and translated by: Naphtali Abamwikiriza. Edited for clarity.)

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