NWCEA is rebranding to Expand Northwest!

‘Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”’  Matthew 28:18-20

Allow me to give you a little history.  In 1956, a group of Jesus followers from several different churches partnered together in the state of Oregon.  The purpose of this partnership was to expand God’s kingdom and reach people far from Jesus by collectively gathering resources to help build new church buildings and raise up new pastors in the Portland Metro area.  (This consisted of Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties at the time.)  As a result, an Oregon nonprofit organization was birthed known as the Northwest Christian Evangelistic Association (NWCEA).  Over the last sixty-five years, the NWCEA has partnered with local churches and other church planting organizations to help start over twenty-five new churches,  as well as train reproducing disciple makers and encourage pastors and leaders for God’s glory.

At the end of 2020, the Board of Directors changed the name of the organization to “Expand Northwest”, staying faithful to the same mission to connect people into a relationship with Jesus and a healthy local church, but now with a much larger vision.  Our primary focus will continue to encourage leaders, train disciples and plant churches within the seven counties of the Portland metro area.  In addition,  because of our biblical conviction to go into all the nations, Expand Northwest seeks to partner with kingdom workers from the Northwest and beyond, with the intention to expand God’s kingdom in the Northwest, America, and the world through the leading of Holy Spirit for the glory of God.  

Expand Northwest will operate as a DBA of the Northwest Christian Evangelistic Association, an Oregon nonprofit organization, and will continue to be a tax-exempt ministry according to the Internal Revenue Services.  The ministry of Expand Northwest operates on the faithful financial investments through God’s people and partnering churches.  Please address all future donations to Expand Northwest.  To connect with me or Gary Barrett, Treasurer of Expand Northwest, please email at sean@expandnw.org or gary@expannw.org.  

Expand Northwest partners with kingdom workers to connect people to Jesus and his church by encouraging leaders, training disciples and planting churches from the Northwest and beyond!  If there is anyway we can serve you or your local church to expand God’s kingdom,  please feel free to connect with us.  We are so grateful for your prayer and financial support and kingdom partnership.  We can’t wait to see how God is going to move in 2021!

How can we serve you to EXPAND God’s kingdom?

Sean Thome’

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