From the Executive Director I loved watching the 33rd Olympic Games in August. Witnessing top athletes from all over the world compete was amazing. But you know what was even more exhilarating to me? It was watching the people in the crowds—the parents, family members, friends, and supporters from various countries. I loved seeing the crowds surround the athletes with hugs and kisses, joyful shouts, and unashamed displays of excitement, all offering…ENCOURAGEMENT!

If you haven’t already noticed, sometimes it’s hard to find people in your life who bring a sense of encouragement. In August, the Expand family was blessed with a weekend of encouragement, including a family fun night at Bullwinkle’s Family Fun Center, a day with Dean Trune from Healthy Churches Network, and a prayer journey with Pete and Kristy, new church planters in East Portland, hosted by Rivercrest Community Church.

This weekend reminded me of the words in Hebrews 10:24-25: “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Here are a few reminders from this passage that I’d like to share to encourage your hearts:

  • Let’s hold on to the hope of King Jesus because our God is faithful!
  • Let’s consider how to offer encouragement to one another as we strive to live lives of love and good deeds for the glory of God.
  • Let’s not give up on meeting together as we await the return of Jesus.

My hope and prayer are that you will be encouraged by God, continue to encourage one another, and never give up on exalting King Jesus and expanding God’s family! Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and partnership with Expand Ministry and family. Because of your partnership, pastors and their families are being encouraged, disciples are being trained, and new churches are starting in the Pacific Northwest, New England, and Uganda!

Blessings, Sean Thomé


Family Fun Night

At Bullwinkle’s Family Fun Center, the Expand family kicked off the evening by gathering together for a delicious dinner of pizza and pasta, sharing laughter and stories around the table.

After dinner, everyone scattered to explore the many attractions, each finding their own adventure. Some headed straight to the arcade for video games, while others jumped into bumper boats or soared through the air on zip lines. The mini golf course and go-kart track became hubs of friendly competition, while the bowling lanes echoed with cheers as strikes were made. In the laser tag arena, teams engaged in thrilling battles.

It was a joy to see parents and children alike enjoying their own fun, creating lasting memories throughout the night. The evening not only offered a chance for everyone to have fun but also provided valuable time for fellowship and strengthening relationships. It was a beautiful reminder of how important it is for us to come together as a community and as God’s people, finding joy and connection in moments like these.

A Day of Encouragement

The Expand family came together for a restorative day of encouragement with Dean Trune from Healthy Churches Network. This day was dedicated to refilling our spirits and finding renewal in each other’s company. We spent meaningful time together, sharing words of encouragement and offering support, which strengthened our sense of community. The day was also filled with moments of heartfelt prayer, as we lifted one another up, seeking God’s presence and peace.

Prayer Journey with the Ziolkowski Family (Restoration Church)

One of the highest privileges of being adopted into the family of God is being able to talk with God whenever, wherever, about whatever! Because God loves us so deeply, when we engage Him in conversation – He responds!  This is what happened during the Expand NW prayer journey on behalf of Restoration Church during Expand’s Legacy weekend. People gathered at the Rivercrest Community Church building in Northeast Portland to pray for the new work that God is creating through Restoration Church. 

We devoted the afternoon to hearing from God.  People drove and walked around the neighborhoods, schools, and parks that we believe God is restoring to His Kingdom’s purposes. When we came back together, the Holy Spirit confirmed many of the dreams He’s been placing on our hearts.

Numerous people sensed God putting Isaiah 61 on their hearts – and this is the passage we felt God intended to use as the new church’s foundation!  Several people also sensed that God was calling us to establish a playful, joyful community.  This resonated so deeply with how God has wired our family. As it’s been said, when we work, we work.  But when we pray, God works!  During this prayer journey – God was at work, and it brought joy and inspiration to all.

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